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M82/M107 Weapons Storage Racks


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M82 Weapon Storage - M82A1 Weapon Racks - M82A3 Gun Racks

The M82 or M107 rifle is a high powered heavy sniper rifle developed by the U.S. Barrett Firearms Company. It is currently used by many units and armies around the world, including the American Special Forces. It is also called the "Light Fifty" for its .50 caliber BMG (12.7mm) load. The weapon is found in two variants - the original M82A1 (and A3) and the bullpup M82A2. The M82A2 is no longer manufactured. Utilizing our modular fully slotted back panel system, storage of M82s in Combat Weapon Storage Systems™ allows for rapid reconfiguration of rack accessories for efficient M-82 storage. The US Army has redesignated the M82 as the M107.

For the M107 Weapon Rack page, please click here.

Combat Weapon Storage Systems™ will meet the storage requirements for all versions of M82 or M107 sniper rifles including storage of most accessories attached to the M82 including optics, scopes, and more.

Our fully welded cabinets meet & exceed US DOD physical security regulations including, OPNAVINST 5530.13C & AR 190-11 for arms storage requirements and stowage of small arms & are also TACOM certified. Combat Weapon Storage Systems are ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 manufactured, offering the highest quality manufacturing standards in the industry.

Combat Weapon Storage Systems™ are available as stand-alone fixed storage systems or as high density storage systems mounted to moveable carriages for a compact shelving system. Our background as storage system experts allow our system designers to implement the most efficient, space effective armory design available.

All products and services are available on GSA Schedule to the US Federal Government applications & through DLA with National Stock Numbers

United States Army Soldier firing M107 sniper rifle during training excercises for Operation Iraqi Freedom. M-107 sniper rifles can be stored in Combat Crew-Served Weapons Storage Racks with the bi-pod attached to the weapon.

United States Army Soldier showing off a crew-served M107 sniper rifle during training excercises for Operation Iraqi Freedom. M-107 sniper rifles can be stored in Combat Crew-Served Weapons Storage Racks with the bi-pod attached to the weapon.

M82/M107 Sniper Rifle Weapon System
M82 Rifle Rack, M82 Gun Rack, M82 Weapon Rack, M82 Weapons Rack, GSA Weapons Rack, GSA Weapons Storage, GSA Mobile Weapon Storage

Combat Crew-Served Weapon Racks store M107 sniper rifles meeting DoD security requirements for arms storage.

Combat Weapon Rack
Combat Weapons Storage Rack storing M82 sniper rifles
M82s have been replaced by M107s, which are easily stored in Combat Weapon Racks with standard rack components.


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